Oceus’ private 5G network solutions provide enterprises with high speed, highly secure ubiquitous coverage and universal mobility
The speed of business today relies on always-connected mobile communications, whether it’s staff on the move or smart Internet of Things (IoT devices). Technology innovations, however, depend on a new connectivity model. Reliable anywhere wireless connectivity and indoor/outdoor mobility provide the meansmeans underpinning these advancements.
Oceus Private 5G and In-Building Public Cellular solutions empower enterprises with intelligent always-on mobile broadband communication for business-critical operations. Oceus solutions achieve demanding network performance benchmarks: mission-critical reliability, universal mobility, anywhere-anytime connectivity, broadband bandwidth, and zero-tolerance cybersecurity. We integrate spectrum-agnostic solutions and our mobile operator relationships to expand connectivity indoor, outdoor, and on-the-go, to uniquely meet any Enterprise connectivity challenges.